Ozwald Boateng x Poltrona Frau | Vanity Fair XC コレクション

Ozwald Boateng X Poltrona Frau

Ozwald Boateng x Poltrona FrauのVanity Fair XCアームチェアは、新しいVelvet Fabric Tribal仕上げを備えています。デザイナーOzwald Boatengのシグネチャーであるトライバルモチーフが、ダイナミックな背景の色調と完璧なコントラストで、生地にデジタルプリントされています。

Ozwald Boateng x Poltrona Frau | Vanity Fair XC コレクション

Ozwald Boateng X Poltrona Frau
The image shown may not match the selected configuration

Ozwald Boateng x Poltrona Frauのコレクションは、3つの豊かな文化的遺産の融合から生まれ、その特徴は手作りの卓越性と実験精神にあります。新しいシートカバーや新しいアクセサリーは、アフリカの伝統的な美学要素を捉え、Ozwald Boatengの英国製のオーダーメイド衣料に適用し、Poltrona FrauのMade in Italyの職人技と組み合わせ、革加工の技術の先進性を通じて新しい展望を提供しています。」

Ozwald Boateng X Poltrona Frau

Born to Ghanaian parents in London, Boateng's aesthetic can be described as the colourful joyousness of African aesthetics coupled with the sober restraint of classic British tailoring. He began his career on Savile Row in the late 1980s and was credited with rejuvenating the profession of tailoring when he opened his first shop in 1995 at the age of 28, the youngest designer to have ever done so. From 2003-2006 he was creative director for menswear at Givenchy and was awarded an O.B.E by Queen Elizabeth in 2005. More recently, he has been a go-to designer for Hollywood, having designed costumes for the blockbuster films Black Panther and Oceans 13. In his work, Boateng champions what he describes as the new Africanism, a global celebration of the continent's history, culture and style.

