Grand Vizier | Rug

Poltrona Frau Style & Design Centre

With their distinctive personality and high-performance materials, Grand Vizier's outdoor rugs complement the living areas of open-air spaces with style and design, decorating gardens, terraces and verandas, as well as poolside areas and the decks of yachts and ships. The hand-woven rugs are made of a propylene yarn in two colour variants - light grey and dark grey - with a luxurious, three-dimensional pattern that makes use of two colours and alternating patterns and backgrounds. Resistant to wear and tear and weathering, they have an unprecedented soft touch. They are part of the Poltrona Frau Boundless Living Outdoor Collections.

Grand Vizier | Rug

Poltrona Frau Style & Design Centre
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Concept and Design

Boundless Living: outdoor furniture at Poltrona Frau is embodied in this concept, expressed in a series of outdoor collections that combine the design, craftsmanship and flair so typical of Made in Italy. For an outdoor living space that blurs the boundary between indoors and outdoors and transcends the distinction between outdoor and indoor furnishings.

Living without boundaries is all about imagining new lifestyles and customising the choices for furnishing gardens, balconies, rooftops, winter gardens, terraces and poolside areas, right through to yacht and ship decks. Thanks to its versatile furnishings and wide-ranging accessories, Poltrona Frau is able to interpret a lifestyle without boundaries between indoors and outdoors, between private and working life, personal and collective spaces, contract, residential and even nautical settings.

Poltrona Frau's outdoor furnishing solutions adapt to any outdoor context, with a comprehensive collection for the living room area, lunch area and relaxation area in the garden or at the poolside.


Designed by
Poltrona Frau Style & Design Centre
Coverings and finishes

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