Adolfo Natalini

Adolfo Natalini was born in Pistoia in 1941. After his experience as a painter, (which is still reflected in his constant use of drawings in his profession as architect), he graduated in architecture at Florence  University in 1966 and founded Superstudio, (with Cristiano Toraldo di Francia, Gian Piero Frassinelli, Roberto and Alessandro Magris), which gave birth to the so called “radical architecture”, one of the most important avant-garde movements of the sixties and seventies. Superstudio’s designs have appeared in publications and exhibitions all over the world and it’s works now form part of collections such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, the Deutsche Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt am Main and the Centre Pompidou in Paris.

Publications include: “Superstudio 1966-1982, Storia Figura Architettura”, (Electa , Firenze 1982), Superstudio & Radicals, (Japan Interior Inc., Tokyo, 1982), and “Superstudio- Life without objects”, (Skira, Milano 2003). This last was the catalogue for this years exhibition of the work of Superstudio at The Design Museum in London.

From 1979 onwards Natalini started working on his own and concentrating on his designs for historical towns in Italy and other countries in Europe, looking for the traces left by time on objects and places and proposing a reconciliation between collective and personal memory. His works include: the designs for the Romerberg in Frankfurt and for the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, the bank in Alzate Brianza, the Centro Elettrocontabile in Zola Predosa, the house in Saalgasse in Frankfurt and the Teatro della Compagnia in Florence. He is a full professor at the faculty of architecture of Florence University and an honorary member of the BDA, (Bund Deutscher Architekten), of the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno in Florence and of the Accademia di San Luca. Publications Include: “Figura di Pietra”, (Electa1984); “Adolfo Natalini-Architettura raccontate”, (Electa 1989); “Il Teatro della Compagnia”, (Anfione Zeto 1989). In 1991 he formed the studio NATALINI ARCHITETTI with Fabrizio Natalini at “Salviatino” in Florence.