WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization


The new World Intellectual Property Organization’s conference hall was specifically conceived and designed to meet the needs of the organization. All 900 seats, arranged around a single stage, are positioned in the space in an entirely nonhierarchical arrangement. The room is therefore dynamic, comfortable and suitable for interaction between the representatives of the various countries. Several smaller meeting rooms complete the functionality of this state of the art conference hall.

Poltrona Frau Custom Interiors delidered seats that focused on ergonomics, functionality and space management. To install as many seats as possible in the space, Poltrona Frau, together with Behnisch Architekten, proposed a solution in which a seat can be mounted either on wheels or on a rail system.

This ensures the stability of the seats, which are fixed to the floor, whilst preserving their functionality. In fact, the seats can rotate to a right angle. Given the innovative and technological characteristics of the seats Potrona Frau develop a complete collection for similar conference rooms. Given the link to the new WIPO conference hall in Geneva, the seats will be called Geneva Chair, a sinuous and elegant seat with a compact and light profile.

Geneva, Swiss

Behnisch Architekten
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